LUCAS QUINTEROS Online Portfolio

from the desk of an explorer

northern michigan university

From The Desk of an Explorer is an illustrative dive into what I imagine my desk would look like if I were an explorer of the supernatural on the east coast circa 1801. This illustration assignment was an exercise in perspective drawing, as well as fantasy realism through a detailed attention to shading.

In the process of making this piece, I created several studies, experimenting with shading technique, as well as using geometric shapes to nail down the perspective of complex objects.  

Once feeling confident with my perspective and shading, I photoshopped together a reference photo, taking careful attention to lighting and size relation while combining images to create a fantastical scene. 

This piece has been featured in The Society of Illustrators 2024 International Student Scholarship Competition, an exclusive  juried show hosted at their museum in New york. My work was the first in 12 years to be accepted from Northern Michigan University for this particular show. 

photoshop file